
雅典州立大学 financial aid professionals are expected to always maintain professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out his or her responsibilities. 在此过程中,雅典州立大学的财务援助专业人员:

  • 确保他或她提供的信息是准确的, 无偏见的, 且不反映任何因实际或潜在的个人利益而产生的偏好.
  • 不采取任何他或她认为违反法律的行动, 监管, 或者他或她为学生的最大利益和家长服务.
  • Is objective in making decisions and advising his or her institution regarding relationships with any entity involved in any aspect of 学生 financial aid.
  • 不为个人利益采取任何行动.
  • Refrains from soliciting or accepting anything of other than nominal value from any entity (other than an institution of higher education or a governmental entity such as the U.S. (教育部)参与制作的, 持有, 巩固, 或者处理任何学生贷款, including anything of value (including reimbursement of expenses) for serving on an advisory body or as part of a training activity of or sponsored by any such entity.
  • 向他或她的机构披露, 以其所在机构所规定的方式, any involvement with or interest in any entity involved in any aspect of 学生 financial aid.

它是。 责任 学生 to:

  1. 在入学前,回顾并考虑有关学校课程的所有信息.
  2. 要特别注意学生经济援助的申请, 准确完成, 并按时提交到正确的地方. 错误可以延迟或阻止接受援助.
  3. 了解申请或重新申请援助的所有截止日期,并按时完成.
  4. 提供所有文件, 修正, and/or new information requested by either the Student 金融援助 or the agency to which the application was submitted.
  5. Notify the university of any information that has changed since the application was made for financial aid.
  6. 阅读、理解并保存所有需要签名的表格.
  7. 偿还所有学生贷款. 当学生签署本票时,他/她同意偿还贷款.
  8. Attend an entrance and exit interview at the university if you have a Federal Direct Student Loan.
  9. 如姓名、地址或出勤情况有任何变化,请通知学校. 如果学生有贷款,学生还必须通知贷款人任何变化.
  10. 如果受雇于联邦勤工俭学工作,则满意地完成约定的工作.
  11. 了解本出版物中概述的大学退款政策.

学生有权利 问一所大学:

  1. 大学的认证和许可机构的名称.
  2. 描述该机构认可或许可的文件副本.
  3. About its programs, its instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities, and its faculty.
  4. 入学费用是多少,对退学学生的退款政策是什么.
  5. 什么经济援助是可用的, 包括所有联邦探员的信息, 状态, 当地的, 私人, 以及机构财政援助项目.
  6. Who its financial aid personnel is, where they’re located, and how to contact them for information.
  7. What the procedures and deadlines are for submitting applications for each available financial aid program.
  8. 它如何选择经济援助受助人.
  9. How it determines the financial need, including the cost of education and resources available.
  10. 根据大学的规定,学生的需求得到了多少满足.
  11. 如何以及何时获得经济援助.
  12. 解释经济援助计划中的每种援助类型和金额.
  13. 学生贷款的利率是多少, 要偿还的总金额, 还款的时间长短和何时
  14. 还款必须开始,什么取消或延期条款适用.
  15. 如果联邦政府提供勤工俭学的工作,那是什么样的工作, 工作时间多长啊, 这是什么责任啊, 工资会有多高啊, 以及如何以及何时支付工资.
  16. 重新考虑一揽子援助计划, 如果学生认为犯了错误, 或者如果入学或经济状况发生了变化.
  17. 大学如何确定学生是否取得了令人满意的进步, 以及不令人满意的进展的结果.
  18. 残疾人士可获得哪些特别设施和服务.


Title IV funds are awarded to 学生s under the assumption that the 学生 will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. 当学生没有完成学期时, the 学生 may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds he or she was scheduled to receive.

本规定中包含的第四章项目是佩尔助学金, 联邦补充教育机会补助金, 教授予, 或联邦直接贷款. 联邦勤工俭学基金不包括在本规定中. 的 federal refund 监管s require 雅典州立大学 to determine the amount of aid “earned” by each 金融援助 Student receiving title IV aid and withdrawing from all of his or her classes prior to the 60% point in the term. Students completing 60% 的 term are considered to have “earned” 100% 的 Title IV funds he or she was scheduled to receive during the period.

Students earning a passing 年级 in at least one course for the term are not subject to the Return to Title IV Funds 监管s.

Students are encouraged to check with the Office of Student 金融援助 prior to withdrawing or dropping out 的 term.

Calculations are performed based on the 学生’s official withdrawal date or for unofficial withdrawals, 学生参加学术相关活动的最后日期, 学期的中点, 或者学校确定学生因病休学的日期, 事故, 严重的个人损失或其他学生无法控制的情况. 非正式的退课日期由教职员决定, 确定学生获得“F”的课程活动的最后日期, ‘I’, 或“W”.

退出日期必须在任期结束后30天内确定, 学年或学生项目, 以较早的为准.

的 institution must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible no later than 45 days after the date 的 determination 的 date 的 学生’s withdrawal. 雅典州立大学提供所有的学位课程,以学分为基础,以学期为基础. 作为一个学分, 学期制学位课程, 使用下式计算需要返回的援助:


援助 Disbursed – 援助 Earned = 援助 to be Returned (Any break of five days or more is not counted as part 的 days in the term.)


  1. 联邦直接无补贴贷款
  2. 联邦直接补贴贷款
  3. 联邦PLUS贷款
  4. 联邦佩尔助学金
  5. 联邦教育补助金
  6. 联邦补充教育机会补助金

如果学生获得的资助少于支付的, the institution would be required to return a portion 的 funds and the 学生 would be required to return a portion 的 funds. 请记住,当标题IV基金返回, 学生借方将欠学校一笔借方余额.

如果学生获得的资助多于发放给他/她的资助, 该机构将欠学生取款后的付款, 在学生退学后120天内支付.



Federal 规定 limit the number of times a 学生 may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course. 的se rules apply whether or not the 学生 received aid for earlier enrollments in the course.

A 学生 can repeat and receive Title IV aid for a previously passed course only once as long as (1) the course the 学生 is repeating applies towards the 学生’s degree completion requirements and (2) the institution will be awarding additional credits to the 学生 for the repeated course.

一旦学生完成任何课程两次并取得及格成绩, 他们不再有资格获得该课程的资助. 教育部认为及格分数是比不及格分数高的分数, 或“F”, 年级. 

如果学生选择重修一门课程, 而且那门课没有资格获得资助, the Office of 金融援助 will recalculate the 学生’s aid to exclude the credits for the repeated course from eligibility. 

学生重修以前不及格的课程(0分)时可以获得资助.0),无论该课程的尝试次数和 失败的.

雅典州立大学 has approved the following standards defining satisfactory academic progress (SAP), 根据美国农业部发布的规定.S. 教育部. Students will be notified by the financial aid office at the end of each semester if they are placed on Warning, 悬架, 或者因为尝试了几个小时而失去资格.

在12月, 2020, the FAFSA Simplification Act was enacted into law as part 的 Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. FAFSA简化法案修订了1965年高等教育法(HEA)第484条。, 对学生资格标准进行了几项重要修改. One 的se is the elimination 的 prohibition on receiving Title IV aid for 学生s with drug-related convictions.

2021-2022颁奖年度, the Selective Service and drug conviction questions (as well as the option to register with the Selective Service via the FAFSA) will remain on the FAFSA. 然而, failing to register with the Selective Service or having a drug conviction while receiving federal Title IV aid will no longer impact a 学生’s Title IV aid eligibility, and a 学生 who fails to register or has a drug conviction may be eligible to receive Title IV aid if they meet all other eligibility criteria.


800 - 4 FED-AID (800-433-3243)


TDD - 800-848-0983(聋人通讯设备)


TDD - 800-557-7395(聋人电信设备)



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